Globetrotting – ACMOS


Acmos is a non government organisation which was founded in 1999 with the aim of dealing with social responsibility and education. The term ACMOS stands for aggregation of consciousness social movement. On my first day I went to Casa ACMOS which is the base of ACMOS. I felt more welcomed than I ever have in any other job, it was truly refreshing. The environment of Casa Acmos projects a sense of community and warmth.


I have seen and worked in numerous ACMOS projects in the last few weeks. The main projects of Acmos focus around anti-mafia awareness, projects and education in schools. Acmos is also very active in the social housing sector, I had the opportunity to visit the communities that ACMOS members are living and working in. Going there really made me appreciate the work they do and see the difference they make to those people. ACMOS is a very youth orientated NGO with most of its members under the age of 30, which is great as it made it easier for me to relate to them. Acmos is currently working on expanding into other cities and creating social projects there.


Acmos has two major associated organisations, Benvenuti In Italia and Libera. Benvenuti In Italia was founded in 2011 by members of Acmos. The aim of Benvenuti in Italia is implementations of policies. I met with their founders to get a sense of what they were trying to achieve. I found it very interesting that their scientific committee went to America in 2011 and met the think tanks there to learn new skills. Their main projects focus on safety in schools, they are campaigning to dedicate a percentage of income tax to this project. It is refreshing that such a young organization has such drive to accomplish results. As a foundation they want to implement policies without becoming a political party.


Libera is an anti mafia organisation which is composed of numerous non profit organisations such as Acmos. They work in cooperation with Acmos on anti mafia projects and in controlling the mafia. I got the opportunity to interview Maria Jose Fava the head of Libera, which was very enlightening as she spoke about the reality of mafia in Italy. The perception of the mafia that I had in my mind an outsider is actually very different to the reality. Libera is the core foundation from which Acmos and Benvenuti in Italia were created.


Overall Acmos as an NGO is still very young but the work its trying to achieve is substantial. Acmos are involved on projects of direct impact with make a huge difference to society. For me it has been a very rewarding experience to be part of and see what a difference ACMOS is making in the city of Turin.


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